Monday, November 14, 2011

I did it!

This weekend we went down to San Antonio. My parents and I ran a half-marathon but we also thought it'd be fun to take the kids and show them the sights!
We rode one of the River Boats. The kids loved that!

We stayed in the hotel next door to the Alamo and we walked over and toured it. We explained the story of the Alamo to the kids. Cass was worried there would still be shooting going on when we got there. We must not have explained the ending very well!

Cason's favorite part---a cannon!

And the coon-skin cap!

We walked around the Expo after getting our race packet.

Rock N Roll girl!

About to run....

I was totally overwhelmed and it took me a few miles to actually calm down. It was so crowded and foggy!!

But I finished! I crossed the finish line hand-in-hand with my parents, which was cool! It wasn't my best time ever so I'm going to try another one in May. Just call me half crazy!!

- Posted from my iPhone