Monday, January 11, 2010

Just another day at school for Cassidee....

.....not her school. My school!
The last day I worked before Christmas break was Polar Express day with kindergarten at my school. They all lay in the floor, watch the movie, drink hot chocolate, and wear pajamas. Cassidee came, decked out in her new Ariel pajamas purchased just for the occasion, and had a great time. Not only did she watch the movie, but she also got to play in our good friend Janet's 2nd grade classroom. I think she spent most of her time on the computer in there, but she sure thought she was "big stuff" in Gigi's classroom!
Concentrating hard!
(sucking on her cheeks instead of the usual tongue sticking out)

Someone asked me why I didn't bring Cason also....
Um.... well..... I guess they haven't met my little ball of energy!


Bunch of Oranges said...

She is going to be the best little school girl! Bows and all! :)

Jodi said...

CUTIE PIE!! Oh, how we miss y'all!!!

I'm going to try and beat you on Christmas catch-up blogging... but probably won't. :)

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

Oh, I bet she LOVED going to school with you! Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!