.....'cause sometimes he is quite a handful!!!
There are not many things that Cason won't eat. As a matter of fact, I tried to give him oatmeal yesterday for breakfast, and that is the only food that he has turned his nose up at. He is a great eater, especially compared to Cassidee, and I usually just give him food on his tray and he is good to go. Tonight he kept fussing for more. I finally figured out why.
Check out my floor.....
Oh well, like I said, good thing he is cute!
Love my blue eyed babies!!!
And, totally off subject, big shout out/thank you to Amie for watching the kiddos this morning. Who knew that when you ask Amie to keep your kids you get a prize as well. Thank you for Cassidee's hair bow. I'm looking forward to the bow-making lessons!
I just love your messy faced, blue eyed babies! So cute!!!!
He is so cute! I can't wait to meet your kids one day
On behalf of Cassidee, I would like to say, "This is why you need a dog".
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