Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh my!

Dylan is the father of Kelly's child? I would have guessed that but it seemed too obvious! :)


Tracy said...

Yeah. I heard a few weeks ago on the radio that he was the father of Kelly's kid.

Is it just me, or does Brenda look awful!?!? Kelly still looks pretty, as usual. But Brenda doesn't look so hot. Not that she was ever a head turner, but she hasn't aged very well.

Chris and Amanda said...

I love Dylan & Kelly!

Sarah said...

from the way they have been spinning it, i thought they were going to throw out there that Brandon was the dad and I have to agree that brenda does not look good, it almost looks like she had her wisdom teeth taken out and her cheeks stayed swollen. Weird!

Amber Rader said...

Even though I figured it was Dylan, it still made me gasp when Brenda said it. Maybe we'll get to see a reunion between him and Kelly. Did you also notice they mentioned Donna having a baby? I hope we get to see her and David someday too! I'm SO addicted :)

Ashley said...

I was so surprised! I knew it would be Steve because of the curls and the name Sammy. I literally screamed. I love it.

Brenda has a big gap in her teeth.

I wish we could all watch it together on Somerset like the old days.