Saturday, December 27, 2008

The best birthday present....

.....was given to me from Cassidee!
Woo Hoo---I thought this day would never come.
It's been almost a week of only panties, and so far we are completely accident free and she hasn't asked for a diaper one time!
How come something like this is making me a little bit sad? You'd think I'd be thrilled to have one less diaper to's just that she is growing up too fast. She'll be three soon, and I feel like I haven't soaked up every single moment that I have needed to up to this point. Okay, I think I'm rambling because I'm getting sappy.
No diapers---AWESOME!
Congrats Cassidee!
I'm sure this post will completely embarrass you someday!


Tracy said...

YES!!!!!! :) Basically, you just got a raise!!! :) Diapers are expensive, especially the bigger they get! Congrats!

And way to go Cassidee!! Such a big girl!

Laurie said...

Way to go CASS!!!! You are such a sweet BIG GIRL! Annaleigh is only on Day 1 with big girl panties, but so-far-so-good!

Sarah said...

So exciting!! Also, can't wait to see your new house on Wed. We are excited about coming!

Jodi said...

Atta girl Cass!!! Can't wait for you to hang out with Reagan and teach her to be a big girl like you!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kendra, I love all the cute pictures. Your kids are precious and it was so fun to have you all at our house Christmas afternoon. Thanks for coming!! Congrats to Cassidee for staying dry. That's really an accomplishment for little ones, especially in cold weather. Have a Happy New Year! We love you all, Aunt Janet