Friday, July 02, 2010

Future Post I am Dreading....

This handsome little man is turning 2 soon. I CAN NOT believe this at all! I promise not to ever blink my eyes again. He is going to have a very fun, and special, birthday day. We will be out at Camp Deer Run during the week of his birthday and we were already promised the birthday song will be sung to him at Flagpole Devo. (He may be curious why everyone is grunting at him during the 2nd verse....) I am so excited to take both kids out there for a week this year. No posts from us for a while. After his birthday and CDR we are heading to the lake and Sea World. See you in August!
Happy Birthday, UGH!

1 comment:

the campbell family said...

We'll be there Wednesday night with a group from our church. I'm so glad we'll get to see him right at his birthday. I can't believe he's 2 years old already....and still just as handsome as ever!